List all sites a particular user is member of in Alfresco 5

We have seen similar requirements many times. How do i find all the sites a particular user is a member of? One way is to write a SQL query with joins on the alf_ tables in the database. But Alfresco advises against hitting the data base directly. Instead we can use webscripts that are provided by Alfresco to get the information we need quickly.

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How to shutdown/restart Windows server VM

Many times we have used Linux or Windows based VM’s (Virtual Machines) and we tend to install software to try out something. Particularly on Windows VM’s you may have to restart the VM for the changes to take effect. But most of often when the VMs are provisioned, the ‘Shutdown’ or ‘Restart’ menu items are not enabled or visible.  How else could one restart the VM without having to contact support and wait for some one to help?

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Add new permission for existing site groups – Alfresco Share

Sometimes, the default site permissions would not be enough for particular use case. Take for example, a user is added as a collaborator to a site. The user can add documents, but cannot delete any. Now say we want to add delete permission for this user. How do we go about doing that quickly?


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Disable non-admin users from deleting or updating site permissions – Alfresco Share

We can also disable permissions to delete a site or update site visibility for sites that are already created before we applied the disable create site permission update to share.

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Disable non-admin users from creating sites – Alfresco Share

This time we want to prevent users who are not defined as admins or in the admin group from creating their own sites. Is there a quick and simple way make this change and persist this across amp deployments?

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Hide ‘Manage-permissions’ link in sites – Alfresco Share

I have a site and i want to restrict all users from making any changes to the sites permissions. Is there a quick and easy way to do that in Alfresco One 5.0? Lets look at sites and permissions and how we can apply a quick fix. Continue reading “Hide ‘Manage-permissions’ link in sites – Alfresco Share”

Enable email plugin for Logstash

Logstash comes with a bunch of plugins for input, filter and output processing pipelines. When monitoring logs using a platform like ELK the most requested feature is email notifications in case of sever error conditions or issues.  There are many options to enable sending emails using custom python scripts, Elastic watcher, elastalert, etc.

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Spring Boot Essentials

As you have seen so far, Spring boot takes care of a lot of the boiler plate configurations required to setup a Spring application that we would have to do otherwise and helps us to get to the application coding part asap.

To do that, Spring boot has 4 tricks up its sleeve that it uses to accomplish what it does.

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Spring Boot – Actuator setup

Spring Boot actuator provides useful metrics regarding your application like health, configurations, error pages, version information, etc. Setting up and using an Actuator in Spring Boot could not be easier than adding the correct dependency in the pom.xml file and using the appropriate url to access the metric information.

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