AWS CodeArtifact Code Examples

AWS CodeArtifact revolutionizes the landscape of package management and software distribution by providing a secure and streamlined solution for developers across various programming languages. In this section, we’ll explore practical code examples that demonstrate the versatility and power of AWS CodeArtifact. From uploading Python packages, configuring npm sources, to publishing Java artifacts, these examples showcase the seamless integration of CodeArtifact into your development workflow.

For Python enthusiasts, we’ll walk through the process of uploading a Python package to CodeArtifact. You’ll learn how to authenticate, build, package, and finally, upload your Python application, ensuring your packages are securely stored and ready for distribution. In the realm of JavaScript and npm, we’ll demonstrate how to effortlessly configure your project to utilize CodeArtifact as a reliable package source, enabling you to manage dependencies with utmost control and efficiency.

Furthermore, our journey extends to the Java ecosystem. You’ll discover how to publish Java artifacts (Maven) to CodeArtifact, a critical step for ensuring version consistency and secure distribution of your Java projects. We’ll also delve into configuring Gradle to seamlessly access and integrate with CodeArtifact repositories, empowering your Java projects with the benefits of centralized package management. Through these comprehensive examples, you’ll gain a profound understanding of how AWS CodeArtifact simplifies the intricate world of package management and empowers your software distribution process.


The following are more detailed code examples for working with AWS CodeArtifact using different package formats and languages.

Uploading a Python Package to CodeArtifact

  1. Authenticate with CodeArtifact:
aws codeartifact login --tool pip --repository my-repo --domain my-domain
  1. Build and package your Python application:
cd my-python-app
pip install -r requirements.txt
python sdist bdist_wheel
  1. Upload the package to CodeArtifact:
aws codeartifact push-package-version --domain my-domain --repository my-repo --format pypi \
    --package-name my-package --package-version 1.0.0 --package dist/my-package-1.0.0.tar.gz

Configuring Package Sources for npm

  1. Authenticate with CodeArtifact:
aws codeartifact login --tool npm --repository my-repo --domain my-domain
  1. Create a .npmrc file or update an existing one in your project directory:
echo "registry=" >> .npmrc
  1. Install npm packages from CodeArtifact:
npm install my-package

Publishing a Java Artifact (Maven) to CodeArtifact

  1. Authenticate with CodeArtifact:
aws codeartifact login --tool maven --repository my-repo --domain my-domain
  1. Build your Java project using Maven:
cd my-java-project
mvn clean package
  1. Publish the artifact to CodeArtifact:
mvn deploy

Configuring Gradle to Use CodeArtifact

  1. Add CodeArtifact repository information to your build.gradle:
repositories {
    maven {
        url ""
        credentials {
            username = aws("codeartifact/my-repo/username")
            password = aws("codeartifact/my-repo/password")
  1. Configure your project dependencies:
dependencies {
    implementation "com.example:my-package:1.0.0"

These examples provide step-by-step instructions for authenticating, uploading, and consuming packages in AWS CodeArtifact across different package formats and languages. Whether you’re working with Python, npm, or Java (Maven and Gradle), AWS CodeArtifact offers a unified and secure way to manage and distribute software artifacts, enhancing your development workflow and ensuring version consistency.


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